

What is ginamos? According to the internet, ginamos is fermented fish that is best paired with boiled camote or boiled banana. Ginamos is often mixed with vinegar or calamansi juice and then made spicy by chili that will truly awaken your other senses as it numbs your tongue.

I have asked my family to try some of this to find out what they think about it and hear their opinions. 

My Dad's Opnions - Very delicious and out of this world. It is very mouth watering and it makes me want to pair it with rice really badly. Although the smell is partially terrible but it's not bad.

My Grandma's Opinions - I desperately want to pair it with boiled potatoes and bananas. It satisfies me and helps me forget about all of my turmoils in life at least for a short period of time.

My Aunt's Opinions -  It's nice and very tasty. 

This dish is very popular in the Philipphines and obviously a lot of people love this. I really hope that this has conivnced you to try this dish. Thank you for visiting my blog. Until next time. Bye.
